CodeQL library for Ruby
codeql/ruby-all 4.1.1 (changelog, source)

Module Numbers

Provides predicates for working with numeric values and their string representations.

Import path

import codeql.util.Numbers



Gets the integer value of binary when interpreted as binary. binary must contain only the digits 0 and 1. For values greater than 01111111111111111111111111111111 (2^31-1, the maximum value that int can represent), there is no result.


Gets the integer value of hex when interpreted as hex. hex must be a valid hexadecimal string. For values greater than 7FFFFFFF (2^31-1, the maximum value that int can represent), there is no result.


Gets the integer value of octal when interpreted as octal. octal must be a valid octal string containing only the digits 0-7. For values greater than 17777777777 (2^31-1, the maximum value that int can represent), there is no result.


Gets a 4-digit hex representation of i.


Gets a hex representation of i.