CodeQL library for Ruby
codeql/ruby-all 0.8.15-dev (changelog, source)

Module ModelsAsData

Provides classes for contributing a model, or using the interpreted results of a model represented as data.

  • Use the ModelInput module to contribute new models.
  • Use the ModelOutput module to access the model results in terms of API nodes.

The package part of a CSV row should be the name of a Ruby gem, or the empty string if it’s referring to the standard library.

The type part can be one of the following:

  • the empty string, referring to the global scope,
  • the string any, referring to any expression, or
  • the name of a type definition from ModelInput::TypeModelCsv

Import path




Module containing hooks for providing input data to be interpreted as a model.


Module providing access to the imported models in terms of API graph nodes.