Provides modeling for the ActionController
Import path
import codeql.ruby.frameworks.ActionController
controllerTemplateFile | Holds if templateFile is a viable file “belonging” to the given ActionControllerControllerClass , according to Rails conventions.
getAssociatedControllerClass | Gets an ActionControllerClass associated with the given ErbFile according to Rails path conventions. For instance, a template file at app/views/foo/bar/baz.html.erb will be mapped to a controller class in app/controllers/foo/bar/baz_controller.rb , if such a controller class exists.
ActionControllerActionMethod | A public instance method defined within an ActionController controller class. This may be the target of a route handler, if such a route is defined.
ActionControllerClass | A class that extends ActionController::Base . For example,
ActionControllerHelperMethod | A method in an ActionController class that is accessible from within a Rails view as a helper method. For instance, in:
ActionControllerRedirectResponse | A call to the redirect_to method, as an HttpRedirectResponse .
ActionControllerSkipForgeryProtectionCall | A call to either skip_forgery_protection or skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token to disable CSRF authenticity token protection.
CookiesSource | A RemoteFlowSource::Range to represent accessing the ActionController parameters available via the cookies method.
ParamsSource | A RemoteFlowSource::Range to represent accessing the ActionController parameters available via the params method.
RedirectToCall | A call to the redirect_to method, used in an action to redirect to a specific URL/path or to a different action in this controller.
SendDataCall | A call to send_data , which sends the given data to the client.
ActionController | Provides modeling for ActionController, which is part of the actionpack gem. Version: 7.0.