Class AnnotatedExitBasicBlock
An annotated exit basic block, that is, a basic block that contains an annotated exit node.
Import path
import codeql.ruby.CFG
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Inherited predicates
controls | Holds if basic block | from BasicBlockImpl |
dominates | Holds if this basic block dominates basic block | from BasicBlock |
getANode | Gets a control flow node in this basic block. | from BasicBlock |
getAPredecessor | Gets an immediate predecessor of this basic block, if any. | from BasicBlock |
getAPredecessor | Gets an immediate predecessor of this basic block of a given type, if any. | from BasicBlock |
getASuccessor | Gets an immediate successor of this basic block, if any. | from BasicBlock |
getASuccessor | Gets an immediate successor of this basic block of a given type, if any. | from BasicBlock |
getFirstNode | Gets the first control flow node in this basic block. | from BasicBlock |
getImmediateDominator | Gets the basic block that immediately dominates this basic block, if any. | from BasicBlock |
getLastNode | Gets the last control flow node in this basic block. | from BasicBlock |
getLocation | Gets the location of this basic block. | from BasicBlockImpl |
getNode | Gets the control flow node at a specific (zero-indexed) position in this basic block. | from BasicBlock |
getScope | Gets the CFG scope of this basic block. | from BasicBlockImpl |
immediatelyControls | Holds if basic block | from BasicBlockImpl |
immediatelyDominates | Holds if this basic block immediately dominates basic block | from BasicBlock |
inDominanceFrontier | Holds if | from BasicBlock |
inLoop | Holds if this basic block is in a loop in the control flow graph. | from BasicBlockImpl |
isNormal | Holds if this block represent a normal exit. | from AnnotatedExitBasicBlock |
length | Gets the length of this basic block. | from BasicBlockImpl |
postDominates | Holds if this basic block post-dominates basic block | from BasicBlock |
strictlyDominates | Holds if this basic block strictly dominates basic block | from BasicBlock |
strictlyPostDominates | Holds if this basic block strictly post-dominates basic block | from BasicBlock |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this basic block. | from BasicBlockImpl |