Module Expr
Import path
import codeql.ruby.ast.Expr
ArgumentList | A sequence of expressions in the right-hand side of an assignment or a |
BodyStmt | A sequence of statements representing the body of a method, class, module, or do-block. That is, any body that may also include rescue/ensure/else statements. |
DestructuredLhsExpr | A “left-hand-side” (LHS) expression of a destructured assignment. |
Expr | An expression. |
LhsExpr | A “left-hand-side” (LHS) expression. An |
Pair | A pair expression. For example, in a hash: |
ParenthesizedExpr | A parenthesized expression sequence, typically containing a single expression: |
RescueClause | A rescue clause. For example: |
RescueModifierExpr | An expression with a |
StmtSequence | A sequence of expressions. |
StringConcatenation | A concatenation of string literals. |