Import path
import codeql.ruby.ast.Call
BlockArgument | A block argument in a method call. rb foo(&block)
Call | A call.
ElementReference | An element reference; a call to the [] method. rb a[0]
ForwardedArguments | A ... expression that contains forwarded arguments. rb foo(...)
MethodCall | A method call.
SetterMethodCall | A call to a setter method. rb = 10 a[0] = 10
SuperCall | A call to super . rb class Foo < Bar def baz super end end
UnknownMethodCall | A Method call that has no known target. These will typically be calls to methods inherited from a superclass. TODO: When API Graphs is able to resolve calls to methods like Kernel.send this class is no longer necessary and should be removed.
YieldCall | A call to yield . rb yield x, y