CodeQL library for Python
codeql/python-all 1.0.6 (changelog, source)

Module SsaCompute

Provides predicates for computing Enhanced SSA form Computation of ESSA form is identical to plain SSA form, but what counts as a use of definition differs.

Language independent data-flow graph construction

Construction of the data-flow graph is based on the principles behind SSA variables.

The definition of an SSA variable is that (statically):

  • Each variable has exactly one definition
  • A variable’s definition dominates all its uses.

SSA form was originally designed for compiler use and thus a “definition” of an SSA variable is the same as a definition of the underlying source-code variable. For register allocation this is sufficient to treat the variable as equivalent to the value held in the variable.

However, this doesn’t always work the way we want it for data-flow analysis.

When we start to consider attribute assignment, tests on the value referred to be a variable, escaping variables, implicit definitions, etc., we need something finer grained.

A data-flow variable has the same properties as a normal SSA variable, but it also has the property that anything that may change the way we view an object referred to by a variable should be treated as a definition of that variable.

For example, tests are treated as definitions, so for the following Python code:

x = None
if not x:
     x = True

The data-flow graph (for x) is:

x0 = None
x1 = pi(x0, not x)
x2 = True
x3 = phi(x1, x2)

from which is it possible to infer that x3 may not be None. [ Phi functions are standard SSA, a Pi function is a filter or guard on the possible values that a variable may hold]

Attribute assignments are also treated as definitions, so for the following Python code:

x = C()
x.a = 1
y = C()
y.b = 2

The data-flow graph is:

x0 = C()
x1 = attr-assign(x0, .a = 1)
y0 = C()
y1 = attr-assign(y0, .b = 1)

From which we can infer that x1.a is 1 but we know nothing about y0.a despite it being the same type.

We can also insert “definitions” for transfers of values (say in global variables) where we do not yet know the call-graph. For example,

def foo():
    global g
    g = 1

def bar():

It should be clear in the above code that the use of g will have a value of 1. The data-flow graph looks like:

def foo():
    g0 = scope-entry(g)
    g1 = 1

def bar():
    g2 = scope-entry(g)
    g3 = call-site(g, foo())

Once we have established that foo() calls foo, then it is possible to link call-site(g, foo()) to the final value of g in foo, i.e. g1, so effectively g3 = call-site(g, foo()) becomes g3 = g1 and the global data-flow graph for g effectively becomes:

g0 = scope-entry(g)
g1 = 1
g2 = scope-entry(g)
g3 = g1

and thus it falls out that g3 must be 1.

Import path

import semmle.python.essa.SsaCompute


