Class EscapingGlobalVariable
Import path
import python
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
getAnImplicitUse | Gets an implicit use of this variable |
getScopeEntryDefinition | |
redefinedAtCallSite | |
scope_as_global_variable |
Inherited predicates
getASourceUse | Gets a use of this variable that corresponds to an explicit use in the source. | from SsaSourceVariable |
getAUse | Gets a use of this variable, either explicit or implicit. | from SsaSourceVariable |
getName | Gets the name of this variable | from SsaSourceVariable |
getScope | from SsaSourceVariable | |
global_variable_callnode | from ModuleVariable | |
global_variable_import | from ModuleVariable | |
hasDefiningNode | Holds if | from SsaSourceVariable |
hasRefinement | Holds if | from SsaSourceVariable |
hasRefinementEdge | Holds if the edge | from SsaSourceVariable |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from SsaSourceVariable |