CodeQL library for JavaScript/TypeScript
codeql/javascript-all 0.8.15-dev (changelog, source)

Module EndpointNaming

Provides predicates for generating names for classes and functions that are part of the public API of a library.

When possible, we try to use the qualified name by which a class/function can be accessed from client code.

However, there are cases where classes and functions can be exposed to client code without being accessible as a qualified name. For example;

// 'Foo' is internal, but clients can call its methods, e.g. `getFoo().m()`
class Foo {
  m() {}
export function getFoo() {
  return new Foo();

// Clients can call m() via getObj().m()
export function getObj() {
  return {
    m() {}

In these cases, we try to make up human-readable names for the endpoints. We make an effort to make these unambiguous in practice, though this is not always guaranteed.

Import path

import semmle.javascript.endpoints.EndpointNaming



Holds if (package, name) is an alias for (targetPackage, targetName), defined at aliasDef.


Holds if (package, name) is the primary name for the given function.


Holds if node is the sink node corresponding to the right-hand side of a private declaration, like a private field (#field) or class member with the private modifier.


Gets a source node that can flow to sink without using a return step.


Converts a (package, name) pair to a string of form (package).name.


Holds if (package, name) is the primary name to associate with node.



Contains query predicates for emitting debugging information about endpoint naming.