Provides a compilation of flow summaries to atomic data-flow steps.
Import path
import codeql.dataflow.internal.FlowSummaryImpl
prohibitsUseUseFlow | Holds if use-use flow starting from |
sinkLocalStep | |
sourceLocalStep | |
summaryClearsContent | Holds if values stored inside content |
summaryExpectsContent | Holds if the value that is being tracked is expected to be stored inside content |
summaryGetterStep | Holds if there is a read(+taint) of |
summaryJumpStep | Holds if there is a jump step from |
summaryLocalMustFlowStep | Holds if the value of |
summaryLocalStep | Holds if there is a local step from |
summaryReadStep | Holds if there is a read step of content |
summarySetterStep | Holds if there is a (taint+)store of |
summaryStoreStep | Holds if there is a store step of content |
summaryThroughStepTaint | Holds if |
summaryThroughStepValue | Holds if |
StepsInput | StepsInputSig |