Module Networking
Definitions related to*
Import path
Type | Provides classes and predicates for working with Java types. |
CreateSocketMethod | The method |
PrivateHostName | A string matching private host names of IPv4 and IPv6, which only matches the host portion therefore checking for port is not necessary. Several examples are localhost, reserved IPv4 IP addresses including, 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x,x, 192.168.x,x, and reserved IPv6 addresses including [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] and [::1] |
SocketConnectMethod | The method |
SocketGetInputStreamMethod | The method |
SocketGetOutputStreamMethod | The method |
TypeSocket | The type |
TypeSocketFactory | The type |
TypeUri | The type |
TypeUrl | The type |
TypeUrlConnection | The type |
TypeUrlDecoder | The type |
UriConstructorCall | A |
UriCreate | A call to |
UriCreation | A method or constructor call that returns a new |
UrlConnectionGetInputStreamMethod | The method |
UrlConstructorCall | A |
UrlDecodeMethod | The method |
UrlOpenConnectionMethod | The method |
UrlOpenStreamMethod | The method |