Predicate Make::SsaDefReaches::ssaRefRank
Gets the (1-based) rank of the reference to v
at the i
th node of basic
block bb
, which has the given reference kind k
For example, if bb
is a basic block with a phi node for v
to be at index -1), reads v
at node 2, and defines it at node 5, we have:
ssaRefRank(bb, -1, v, SsaDef()) = 1 // phi node
ssaRefRank(bb, 2, v, Read()) = 2 // read at node 2
ssaRefRank(bb, 5, v, SsaDef()) = 3 // definition at node 5
Reads are considered before writes when they happen at the same index.
Import path
import codeql.ssa.Ssa
int ssaRefRank(BasicBlock bb, int i, SourceVariable v, SsaRefKind k)