Add | An add instruction.
Add_ovf | An add.ovf instruction.
Add_ovf_un | An add.ovf.un instruction.
And | An and instruction.
Arglist | An arglist instruction.
Beq | A beq instruction.
Beq_s | A beq.s instruction.
Bge | A bge instruction.
Bge_in_s | A instruction.
Bge_s | A bge.s instruction.
Bge_un | A ble.un instruction.
Bgt | A bgt instruction.
Bgt_in_s | A instruction.
Bgt_s | A bgt.s instruction.
Bgt_un | A bgt.un instruction.
Ble | A ble instruction.
Ble_s | A ble.s instruction.
Ble_un | A ble.un instruction.
Ble_un_s | A ble.un.s instruction.
Blt | A blt instruction.
Blt_s | A blt.s instruction.
Blt_un | A blt.un instruction.
Blt_un_s | A blt.un.s instruction.
Bne_un | A bne.un instruction.
Bne_un_s | A bne.un.s instruction.
Box | A box instruction.
Br | A br instruction.
Br_s | A br.s instruction.
Brfalse | A brfalse instruction.
Brfalse_s | A brfalse.s instruction.
Brtrue | A brtrue instruction.
Brtrue_s | A brtrue.s instruction.
Call_ | A call instruction.
Calli | A calli instruction.
Callvirt | A callvirt instruction.
Castclass | A castclass instruction.
Ceq | A ceq instruction.
Cgt | A cgt instruction.
Cgt_un | A cgt.un instruction.
Clt | A clt instruction.
Clt_un | A clt.un instruction.
Constrained | A constrained. instruction.
Conv_i | A conv.i instruction.
Conv_i1 | A conv.i1 instruction.
Conv_i2 | A conv.i2 instruction.
Conv_i4 | A conv.i4 instruction.
Conv_i8 | A conv.i8 instruction.
Conv_ovf_i | A conv.ovf.i instruction.
Conv_ovf_i1 | A conv.ovf.i1 instruction.
Conv_ovf_i1_un | A conv.ovf.i1.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_i2 | A conv.ovf.i2 instruction.
Conv_ovf_i2_un | A conv.ovf.i2.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_i4 | A conv.ovf.i4 instruction.
Conv_ovf_i4_un | A conv.ovf.i4.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_i8 | A conv.ovf.i8 instruction.
Conv_ovf_i8_un | A conv.ovf.i8.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_i_un | A conv.ovf.i.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_u | A conv.ovf.u instruction.
Conv_ovf_u1 | A conv.ovf.u1 instruction.
Conv_ovf_u1_un | A conv.ovf.u1.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_u2 | A conv.ovf.u2 instruction.
Conv_ovf_u2_un | A conv.ovf.u2.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_u4 | A conv.ovf.u4 instruction.
Conv_ovf_u4_un | A conv.ovf.u4.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_u8 | A conv.ovf.u8 instruction.
Conv_ovf_u8_un | A conv.ovf.u8.un instruction.
Conv_ovf_u_un | A conv.ovf.u.un instruction.
Conv_r4 | A conv.r4 instruction.
Conv_r8 | A conv.r8 instruction.
Conv_r_un | A conv.r.un instruction.
Conv_u | A conv.u instruction.
Conv_u1 | A conv.u1 instruction.
Conv_u2 | A conv.u2 instruction.
Conv_u4 | A conv.u4 instruction.
Conv_u8 | A conv.u8 instruction.
Div | A div instruction.
Div_un | A div.un instruction.
Dup | A dup instruction.
Endfilter | An endfilter instruction.
Endfinally | An endfinally instruction.
Initobj | An initobj instruction.
Isinst | An isinst instruction.
Jmp | A jmp instruction.
Ldarg | An ldarg instruction.
Ldarg_0 | An ldarg.0 instruction.
Ldarg_1 | An ldarg.1 instruction.
Ldarg_2 | An ldarg.2 instruction.
Ldarg_3 | An ldarg.3 instruction.
Ldarg_s | An ldarg.s instruction.
Ldarga_s | An ldarga.s instruction.
Ldc_i4 | An ldc.i4 instruction.
Ldc_i4_0 | An ldc.i4.0 instruction.
Ldc_i4_1 | An ldc.i4.1 instruction.
Ldc_i4_2 | An ldc.i4.2 instruction.
Ldc_i4_3 | An ldc.i4.3 instruction.
Ldc_i4_4 | An ldc.i4.4 instruction.
Ldc_i4_5 | An ldc.i4.5 instruction.
Ldc_i4_6 | An ldc.i4.6 instruction.
Ldc_i4_7 | An ldc.i4.7 instruction.
Ldc_i4_8 | An ldc.i4.8 instruction.
Ldc_i4_m1 | An ldc.i4.m1 instruction.
Ldc_i4_s | An ldc.i4.s instruction.
Ldc_i8 | An ldc.i8 instruction.
Ldc_r4 | An ldc.r4 instruction.
Ldc_r8 | An ldc.r8 instruction.
Ldelem | An ldelem instruction.
Ldelem_i | An ldelem.i instruction.
Ldelem_i1 | An ldelem.i1 instruction.
Ldelem_i2 | An ldelem.i2 instruction.
Ldelem_i4 | An ldelem.i4 instruction.
Ldelem_i8 | An ldelem.i8 instruction.
Ldelem_r4 | An ldelem.r4 instruction.
Ldelem_r8 | An ldelem.r8 instruction.
Ldelem_ref | An ldelem.ref instruction.
Ldelem_u1 | An ldelem.u1 instruction.
Ldelem_u2 | An ldelem.u2 instruction.
Ldelem_u4 | An ldelem.u4 instruction.
Ldelema | An ldelema instruction.
Ldfld | An ldfld instruction.
Ldflda | An ldflda instruction.
Ldftn | An ldftn instruction.
Ldind_i | An ldind.i instruction.
Ldind_i1 | An ldind.i1 instruction.
Ldind_i2 | An ldind.i2 instruction.
Ldind_i4 | An ldind.i4 instruction.
Ldind_i8 | An ldind.i8 instruction.
Ldind_r4 | An ldind.r4 instruction.
Ldind_r8 | An ldind.r8 instruction.
Ldind_ref | An ldind.ref instruction.
Ldind_u1 | An ldind.u1 instruction.
Ldind_u2 | An ldind.u2 instruction.
Ldind_u4 | An ldind.u4 instruction.
Ldlen | A ldlen instruction.
Ldloc | An ldloc instruction.
Ldloc_0 | An ldloc.0 instruction.
Ldloc_1 | An ldloc.1 instruction.
Ldloc_2 | An ldloc.2 instruction.
Ldloc_3 | An ldloc.3 instruction.
Ldloc_s | An ldloc.s instruction.
Ldloca_s | An ldloca.s instruction.
Ldnull | An ldnull instruction.
Ldobj | An ldobj instruction.
Ldsfld | An ldsfld instruction.
Ldsflda | An ldsflda instruction.
Ldstr | An ldstr instruction.
Ldtoken | An ldtoken instruction.
Ldvirtftn | An ldvirtftn instruction.
Leave_ | A leave instruction.
Leave_s | A leave.s instruction.
Localloc | A localloc instruction.
Mkrefany | A mkrefany instruction.
Mul | A mul instruction.
Mul_ovf | A mul.ovf instruction.
Mul_ovf_un | A mul.ovf.un instruction.
Neg | A neg instruction.
NewObj | A newobj instruction.
Newarr | A newarr instruction.
Nop | A nop instruction.
Not | A not instruction.
Or | An or instruction.
Pop | A pop instruction.
ReThrow | A rethrow instruction.
Readonly | A readonly. instruction.
Refanytype | A refanytype instruction.
Rem | A rem instruction.
Rem_un | A rem.un instruction.
Ret | A ret instruction.
Shl | A shl instruction.
Shr | A shr instruction.
Shr_un | A shr.un instruction.
Sizeof | A sizeof instruction.
Starg_s | An starg.s instruction.
Stelem | An stelem instruction.
Stelem_i | An stelem.i instruction.
Stelem_i1 | An stelem.i1 instruction.
Stelem_i2 | An stelem.i2 instruction.
Stelem_i4 | An stelem.i4 instruction.
Stelem_i8 | An stelem.i8 instruction.
Stelem_r4 | An stelem.r4 instruction.
Stelem_r8 | An stelem.r8 instruction.
Stelem_ref | An stelem.ref instruction.
Stfld | An stfld instruction.
Stind_i | An stind.i instruction.
Stind_i1 | An stind.i1 instruction.
Stind_i2 | An stind.i2 instruction.
Stind_i4 | An stind.i4 instruction.
Stind_i8 | An stind.i8 instruction.
Stind_r4 | An stind.r4 instruction.
Stind_r8 | An stind.r8 instruction.
Stind_ref | An stind.ref instruction.
Stloc | An stloc instruction.
Stloc_0 | An stloc.0 instruction.
Stloc_1 | An stloc.1 instruction.
Stloc_2 | An stloc.2 instruction.
Stloc_3 | An stloc.3 instruction.
Stloc_s | An stloc.s instruction.
Stobj | An stobj instruction.
Stsfld | An stsfld instruction.
Sub | A sub instruction.
Sub_ovf | A sub.ovf instruction.
Sub_ovf_un | A sub.ovf.un instruction.
Switch | A switch instruction.
Tail | A tail. instruction.
Throw_ | A throw instruction.
Unbox | An unbox instruction.
Unbox_any | An unbox.any instruction.
Volatile | A volatile. instruction.
Xor | An xor instruction.