Module Helpers
Helpers.qll Provides helper classes and methods related to LINQ.
Import path
import Linq.Helpers
isEnumerableType | Holds if the type’s qualified name is “System.Linq.Enumerable” |
isIEnumerableType | Holds if the type’s qualified name starts with “System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable” |
missedAllOpportunity | Holds if |
missedCastOpportunity | Holds if the |
missedOfTypeOpportunity | Holds if |
missedSelectOpportunity | Holds if |
missedWhereOpportunity | Holds if |
AnyCall | A LINQ Any(…) call. |
CountCall | A LINQ Count(…) call. |
ForeachStmtEnumerable | A class of foreach statements where the iterable expression supports the use of the LINQ extension methods on |
ForeachStmtGenericEnumerable | A class of foreach statements where the iterable expression supports the use of the LINQ extension methods on |
IEnumerableSequence | A variable of type IEnumerable<T>, for some T. |
SelectCall | A LINQ Select(…) call. |