CodeQL library for C/C++
codeql/cpp-all 4.0.2 (changelog, source)

Predicate isExcludedMmFreePageFromMdl

dealloc1 is a deallocation expression, e is an expression that dereferences a pointer, and the (dealloc1, e) pair should be excluded by the FlowFromFree library.

Note that e is not necessarily the expression deallocated by dealloc1. It will be bound to the second deallocation as identified by the FlowFromFree library.

From “After calling MmFreePagesFromMdl, the caller must also call ExFreePool to release the memory that was allocated for the MDL structure.”

Import path

predicate isExcludedMmFreePageFromMdl(DeallocationExpr dealloc1, Expr e)