CodeQL library for C/C++
codeql/cpp-all 3.2.1-dev (changelog, source)

Class TaintInheritingContent

A Content that should be implicitly regarded as tainted whenever an object with such Content is itself tainted.

For example, if we had a type struct Container { int field; }, then by default a tainted Container and a Container with a tainted int stored in its field are distinct.

If any(DataFlow::FieldContent fc | fc.getField().hasQualifiedName("Container", "field")) was included in this type however, then a tainted Container would imply that its field is also tainted (but not vice versa).

Import path


Direct supertypes

Indirect supertypes

Known direct subtypes

    Inherited predicates


    Gets the indirection index of this Content.

    from Content
    hasLocationInfofrom Content

    INTERNAL: Do not use.

    from Content

    Gets a textual representation of this element.

    from Content