CodeQL documentation


QL is a statically typed language, so each variable must have a declared type.

A type is a set of values. For example, the type int is the set of integers. Note that a value can belong to more than one of these sets, which means that it can have more than one type.

The kinds of types in QL are primitive types, classes, character types, class domain types, algebraic datatypes, type unions, and database types.

Primitive types

These types are built in to QL and are always available in the global namespace, independent of the database that you are querying.

  1. boolean: This type contains the values true and false.

  2. float: This type contains 64-bit floating point numbers, such as 6.28 and -0.618.

  3. int: This type contains 32-bit two’s complement integers, such as -1 and 42.

  4. string: This type contains finite strings of 16-bit characters.

  5. date: This type contains dates (and optionally times).

QL has a range of built-in operations defined on primitive types. These are available by using dispatch on expressions of the appropriate type. For example, 1.toString() is the string representation of the integer constant 1. For a full list of built-in operations available in QL, see the section on built-ins in the QL language specification.

Additionally, there is an arbitrary-range integer primitive type at QlBuiltins::BigInt.


You can define your own types in QL. One way to do this is to define a class.

Classes provide an easy way to reuse and structure code. For example, you can:

A class in QL doesn’t “create” a new object, it just represents a logical property. A value is in a particular class if it satisfies that logical property.

Defining a class

To define a class, you write:

  1. The keyword class.

  2. The name of the class. This is an identifier starting with an uppercase letter.

  3. The supertypes that the class is derived from via extends and/or instanceof

  4. The body of the class, enclosed in braces.

For example:

class OneTwoThree extends int {
  OneTwoThree() { // characteristic predicate
    this = 1 or this = 2 or this = 3

  string getAString() { // member predicate
    result = "One, two or three: " + this.toString()

  predicate isEven() { // member predicate
    this = 2

This defines a class OneTwoThree, which contains the values 1, 2, and 3. The characteristic predicate captures the logical property of “being one of the integers 1, 2, or 3.”

OneTwoThree extends int, that is, it is a subtype of int. A class in QL must always have at least one supertype. Supertypes that are referenced with the extends keyword are called the base types of the class. The values of a class are contained within the intersection of the supertypes (that is, they are in the class domain type). A class inherits all member predicates from its base types.

A class can extend multiple types. For more information, see “Multiple inheritance.” A class can extend final types (or final aliases of types), see “Final extensions.” Classes can also specialise other types without extending the class interface via instanceof, see “Non-extending subtypes.”.

To be valid, a class:
  • Must not extend itself.

  • Must not (transitively) extend a non-final type and a final alias of that same type.

  • Must not extend types that are incompatible. For more information, see “Type compatibility.”

You can also annotate a class. See the list of annotations available for classes.

Class bodies

The body of a class can contain:

When you define a class, that class also inherits all non-private member predicates and fields from its supertypes.

Depending on whether they are final, you can override or shadow those predicates and fields to give them a more specific definition.

Characteristic predicates

These are predicates defined inside the body of a class. They are logical properties that use the variable this to restrict the possible values in the class.

Member predicates

These are predicates that only apply to members of a particular class. You can call a member predicate on a value. For example, you can use the member predicate from the above class:


This call returns the result "One, two or three: 1".

The expression (OneTwoThree) is a cast. It ensures that 1 has type OneTwoThree instead of just int. Therefore, it has access to the member predicate getAString().

Member predicates are especially useful because you can chain them together. For example, you can use toUpperCase(), a built-in function defined for string:


This call returns "ONE, TWO OR THREE: 1".


Characteristic predicates and member predicates often use the variable this. This variable always refers to a member of the class—in this case a value belonging to the class OneTwoThree. In the characteristic predicate, the variable this constrains the values that are in the class. In a member predicate, this acts in the same way as any other argument to the predicate.


These are variables declared in the body of a class. A class can have any number of field declarations (that is, variable declarations) within its body. You can use these variables in predicate declarations inside the class. Much like the variable this, fields must be constrained in the characteristic predicate.

For example:

class SmallInt extends int {
  SmallInt() { this = [1 .. 10] }

class DivisibleInt extends SmallInt {
  SmallInt divisor;   // declaration of the field `divisor`
  DivisibleInt() { this % divisor = 0 }

  SmallInt getADivisor() { result = divisor }

from DivisibleInt i
select i, i.getADivisor()

In this example, the declaration SmallInt divisor introduces a field divisor, constrains it in the characteristic predicate, and then uses it in the declaration of the member predicate getADivisor. This is similar to introducing variables in a select clause by declaring them in the from part.

You can also annotate predicates and fields. See the list of annotations that are available.

Concrete classes

The classes in the above examples are all concrete classes. They are defined by restricting the values in a larger type. The values in a concrete class are precisely those values in the intersection of the supertypes that also satisfy the characteristic predicate of the class.

Abstract classes

A class annotated with abstract, known as an abstract class, is also a restriction of the values in a larger type. However, an abstract class is defined as the union of its subclasses. In particular, for a value to be in an abstract class, it must satisfy the characteristic predicate of the class itself and the characteristic predicate of a subclass. Note that final extensions are not considered subclasses in this context.

An abstract class is useful if you want to group multiple existing classes together under a common name. You can then define member predicates on all those classes. You can also extend predefined abstract classes: for example, if you import a library that contains an abstract class, you can add more subclasses to it.


If you are writing a security query, you may be interested in identifying all expressions that can be interpreted as SQL queries. You can use the following abstract class to describe these expressions:

abstract class SqlExpr extends Expr {

Now define various subclasses—one for each kind of database management system. For example, you can define a subclass class PostgresSqlExpr extends SqlExpr, which contains expressions passed to some Postgres API that performs a database query. You can define similar subclasses for MySQL and other database management systems.

The abstract class SqlExpr refers to all of those different expressions. If you want to add support for another database system later on, you can simply add a new subclass to SqlExpr; there is no need to update the queries that rely on it.


You must take care when you add a new subclass to an existing abstract class. Adding a subclass is not an isolated change, it also extends the abstract class since that is a union of its subclasses.

Overriding member predicates

If a class inherits a member predicate from a non-final supertype, you can override the inherited definition. You do this by defining a member predicate with the same name and arity as the inherited predicate, and by adding the override annotation. This is useful if you want to refine the predicate to give a more specific result for the values in the subclass.

For example, extending the class from the first example:

class OneTwo extends OneTwoThree {
  OneTwo() {
    this = 1 or this = 2

  override string getAString() {
    result = "One or two: " + this.toString()

The member predicate getAString() overrides the original definition of getAString() from OneTwoThree.

Now, consider the following query:

from OneTwoThree o
select o, o.getAString()

The query uses the “most specific” definition(s) of the predicate getAString(), so the results look like this:


getAString() result


One or two: 1


One or two: 2


One, two or three: 3

In QL, unlike other object-oriented languages, different subtypes of the same types don’t need to be disjoint. For example, you could define another subclass of OneTwoThree, which overlaps with OneTwo:

class TwoThree extends OneTwoThree {
  TwoThree() {
    this = 2 or this = 3

  override string getAString() {
    result = "Two or three: " + this.toString()

Now the value 2 is included in both class types OneTwo and TwoThree. Both of these classes override the original definition of getAString(). There are two new “most specific” definitions, so running the above query gives the following results:


getAString() result


One or two: 1


One or two: 2


Two or three: 2


Two or three: 3

Multiple inheritance

A class can extend multiple types. In that case, it inherits from all those types.

For example, using the definitions from the above section:

class Two extends OneTwo, TwoThree {}

Any value in the class Two must satisfy the logical property represented by OneTwo, and the logical property represented by TwoThree. Here the class Two contains one value, namely 2.

It inherits member predicates from OneTwo and TwoThree. It also (indirectly) inherits from OneTwoThree and int.


If a subclass inherits multiple definitions for the same predicate name, then it must override those definitions to avoid ambiguity. Super expressions are often useful in this situation.

Final extensions

A class can extend final types or final aliases of types. In that case, it inherits final versions of all the member predicates and fields of those supertypes. Member predicates that are inherited through final extensions cannot be overridden, but they can be shadowed.

For example, extending the class from the first example:

final class FinalOneTwoThree = OneTwoThree;

class OneTwoFinalExtension extends FinalOneTwoThree {
  OneTwoFinalExtension() {
    this = 1 or this = 2

  string getAString() {
    result = "One or two: " + this.toString()

The member predicate getAString() shadows the original definition of getAString() from OneTwoThree.

Different to overriding (see “Overriding member predicates”), final extensions leave the extended type unchanged:

from OneTwoTree o
select o, o.getAString()


getAString() result


One, two or three: 1


One, two or three: 2


One, two or three: 3

However, when calling getAString() on OneTwoFinalExtension, the original definition is shadowed:

from OneTwoFinalExtension o
select o, o.getAString()


getAString() result


One or two: 1


One or two: 2

Non-extending subtypes

Besides extending base types, classes can also declare instanceof relationships with other types. Declaring a class as instanceof Foo is roughly equivalent to saying this instanceof Foo in the characteristic predicate. The main differences are that you can call methods on Bar via super and you can get better optimisation.

class Foo extends int {
  Foo() { this in [1 .. 10] }

  string fooMethod() { result = "foo" }

class Bar instanceof Foo {
  string toString() { result = super.fooMethod() }

In this example, the characteristic predicate from Foo also applies to Bar. However, fooMethod is not exposed in Bar, so the query select any(Bar b).fooMethod() results in a compile time error. Note from the example that it is still possible to access methods from instanceof supertypes from within the specialising class with the super keyword.

Crucially, the instanceof supertypes are not base types. This means that these supertypes do not participate in overriding, and any fields of such supertypes are not part of the new class. This has implications on method resolution when complex class hierarchies are involved. The following example demonstrates this.

 class Interface extends int {
   Interface() { this in [1 .. 10] }
   string foo() { result = "" }

 class Foo extends int {
   Foo() { this in [1 .. 5] }
   string foo() { result = "foo" }

 class Bar extends Interface instanceof Foo {
   override string foo() { result = "bar" }

Here, the method Bar::foo does not override Foo::foo. Instead, it overrides only Interface::foo. This means that select any(Foo f).foo() yields foo. Had Bar been defined as extends Foo, then select any(Foo f).foo() would yield bar.

Character types and class domain types

You can’t refer to these types directly, but each class in QL implicitly defines a character type and a class domain type. (These are rather more subtle concepts and don’t appear very often in practical query writing.)

The character type of a QL class is the set of values satisfying the characteristic predicate of the class. It is a subset of the domain type. For concrete classes, a value belongs to the class if, and only if, it is in the character type. For abstract classes, a value must also belong to at least one of the subclasses, in addition to being in the character type.

The domain type of a QL class is the intersection of the character types of all its supertypes, that is, a value belongs to the domain type if it belongs to every supertype. It occurs as the type of this in the characteristic predicate of a class.

Algebraic datatypes


The syntax for algebraic datatypes is considered experimental and is subject to change. However, they appear in the standard QL libraries so the following sections should help you understand those examples.

An algebraic datatype is another form of user-defined type, declared with the keyword newtype.

Algebraic datatypes are used for creating new values that are neither primitive values nor entities from the database. One example is to model flow nodes when analyzing data flow through a program.

An algebraic datatype consists of a number of mutually disjoint branches, that each define a branch type. The algebraic datatype itself is the union of all the branch types. A branch can have arguments and a body. A new value of the branch type is produced for each set of values that satisfy the argument types and the body.

A benefit of this is that each branch can have a different structure. For example, if you want to define an “option type” that either holds a value (such as a Call) or is empty, you could write this as follows:

newtype OptionCall = SomeCall(Call c) or NoCall()

This means that for every Call in the program, a distinct SomeCall value is produced. It also means that a unique NoCall value is produced.

Defining an algebraic datatype

To define an algebraic datatype, use the following general syntax:

newtype <TypeName> = <branches>

The branch definitions have the following form:

<BranchName>(<arguments>) { <body> }
  • The type name and the branch names must be identifiers starting with an uppercase letter. Conventionally, they start with T.

  • The different branches of an algebraic datatype are separated by or.

  • The arguments to a branch, if any, are variable declarations separated by commas.

  • The body of a branch is a predicate body. You can omit the branch body, in which case it defaults to any(). Note that branch bodies are evaluated fully, so they must be finite. They should be kept small for good performance.

For example, the following algebraic datatype has three branches:

newtype T =
  Type1(A a, B b) { body(a, b) }
  Type2(C c)

Standard pattern for using algebraic datatypes

Algebraic datatypes are different from classes. In particular, algebraic datatypes don’t have a toString() member predicate, so you can’t use them in a select clause.

Classes are often used to extend algebraic datatypes (and to provide a toString() predicate). In the standard QL language libraries, this is usually done as follows:

  • Define a class A that extends the algebraic datatype and optionally declares abstract predicates.

  • For each branch type, define a class B that extends both A and the branch type, and provide a definition for any abstract predicates from A.

  • Annotate the algebraic datatype with private, and leave the classes public.

For example, the following code snippet from the CodeQL data-flow library for C# defines classes for dealing with tainted or untainted values. In this case, it doesn’t make sense for TaintType to extend a database type. It is part of the taint analysis, not the underlying program, so it’s helpful to extend a new type (namely TTaintType):

private newtype TTaintType =

/** Describes how data is tainted. */
class TaintType extends TTaintType {
  string toString() {
    this = TExactValue() and result = "exact"
    this = TTaintedValue() and result = "tainted"

/** A taint type where the data is untainted. */
class Untainted extends TaintType, TExactValue {

/** A taint type where the data is tainted. */
class Tainted extends TaintType, TTaintedValue {

Type unions

Type unions are user-defined types that are declared with the keyword class. The syntax resembles type aliases, but with two or more type expressions on the right-hand side.

Type unions are used for creating restricted subsets of an existing algebraic datatype, by explicitly selecting a subset of the branches of that datatype and binding them to a new type. Type unions of database types are also supported.

You can use a type union to give a name to a subset of the branches from an algebraic datatype. In some cases, using the type union over the whole algebraic datatype can avoid spurious recursion in predicates. For example, the following construction is legal:

newtype InitialValueSource =
  ExplicitInitialization(VarDecl v) { exists(v.getInitializer()) } or
  ParameterPassing(Call c, int pos) { exists(c.getParameter(pos)) } or
  UnknownInitialGarbage(VarDecl v) { not exists(DefiniteInitialization di | v = target(di)) }

class DefiniteInitialization = ParameterPassing or ExplicitInitialization;

VarDecl target(DefiniteInitialization di) {
  di = ExplicitInitialization(result) or
  exists(Call c, int pos | di = ParameterPassing(c, pos) and
                            result = c.getCallee().getFormalArg(pos))

However, a similar implementation that restricts InitialValueSource in a class extension is not valid. If we had implemented DefiniteInitialization as a class extension instead, it would trigger a type test for InitialValueSource. This results in an illegal recursion DefiniteInitialization -> InitialValueSource -> UnknownInitialGarbage -> ¬DefiniteInitialization since UnknownInitialGarbage relies on DefiniteInitialization:

// THIS WON'T WORK: The implicit type check for InitialValueSource involves an illegal recursion
// DefiniteInitialization -> InitialValueSource -> UnknownInitialGarbage -> ¬DefiniteInitialization!
class DefiniteInitialization extends InitialValueSource {
  DefiniteInitialization() {
    this instanceof ParameterPassing or this instanceof ExplicitInitialization
  // ...

Type unions are supported from release 2.2.0 of the CodeQL CLI.

Database types

Database types are defined in the database schema. This means that they depend on the database that you are querying, and vary according to the data you are analyzing.

For example, if you are querying a CodeQL database for a Java project, the database types may include @ifstmt, representing an if statement in the Java code, and @variable, representing a variable.

Type compatibility

Not all types are compatible. For example, 4 < "five" doesn’t make sense, since you can’t compare an int to a string.

To decide when types are compatible, there are a number of different “type universes” in QL.

The universes in QL are:
  • One for each primitive type (except int and float, which are in the same universe of “numbers”).

  • One for each database type.

  • One for each branch of an algebraic datatype.

For example, when defining a class this leads to the following restrictions:
  • A class can’t extend multiple primitive types.

  • A class can’t extend multiple different database types.

  • A class can’t extend multiple different branches of an algebraic datatype.

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