CodeQL documentation

Name resolution

The QL compiler resolves names to program elements.

As in other programming languages, there is a distinction between the names used in QL code, and the underlying QL entities they refer to.

It is possible for different entities in QL to have the same name, for example if they are defined in separate modules. Therefore, it is important that the QL compiler can resolve the name to the correct entity.

When you write your own QL, you can use different kinds of expressions to refer to entities. Those expressions are then resolved to QL entities in the appropriate namespace.

In summary, the kinds of expressions are:


To resolve a simple name (with arity), the compiler looks for that name (and arity) in the namespaces of the current module.

In an import statement, name resolution is slightly more complicated. For example, suppose you define a query module Example.ql with the following import statement:

import javascript

The compiler first checks for a library module javascript.qll, using the steps described below for qualified references. If that fails, it checks for an explicit module named javascript defined in the module namespace of Example.ql.

Qualified references

A qualified reference is a module expression that uses . as a file path separator. You can only use such an expression in import statements, to import a library module defined by a relative path.

For example, suppose you define a query module Example.ql with the following import statement:


To find the precise location of this library module, the QL compiler processes the import statement as follows:

  1. The .s in the qualified reference correspond to file path separators, so it first looks up examples/security/MyLibrary.qll from the directory containing Example.ql.

  2. If that fails, it looks up examples/security/MyLibrary.qll relative to the query directory, if any. The query directory is the first enclosing directory containing a file called qlpack.yml. (Or, in legacy products, a file called queries.xml.)

  3. If the compiler can’t find the library file using the above two checks, it looks up examples/security/MyLibrary.qll relative to each library path entry. The library path is usually specified using the libraryPathDependencies of the qlpack.yml file, though it may also depend on the tools you use to run your query, and whether you have specified any extra settings. For more information, see “Library path” in the QL language specification.

If the compiler cannot resolve an import statement, then it gives a compilation error.


You can use a selection to refer to a module, type, or predicate inside a particular module. A selection is of the form:


The compiler resolves the module expression first, and then looks for the name in the namespaces for that module.


Consider the following library module:


class Countries extends string {
  Countries() {
    this = "Belgium"
    this = "France"
    this = "India"

module M {
  class EuropeanCountries extends Countries {
    EuropeanCountries() {
      this = "Belgium"
      this = "France"

You could write a query that imports CountriesLib and then uses M::EuropeanCountries to refer to the class EuropeanCountries:

import CountriesLib

from M::EuropeanCountries ec
select ec

Alternatively, you could import the contents of M directly by using the selection CountriesLib::M in the import statement:

import CountriesLib::M

from EuropeanCountries ec
select ec

That gives the query access to everything within M, but nothing within CountriesLib that isn’t also in M.


When writing QL, it’s useful to understand how namespaces (also known as environments) work.

As in many other programming languages, a namespace is a mapping from keys to entities. A key is a kind of identifier, for example a name, and a QL entity is a module, a type, or a predicate.

Each module in QL has six namespaces:

  • The module namespace, where the keys are module names and the entities are modules.

  • The type namespace, where the keys are type names and the entities are types.

  • The predicate namespace, where the keys are pairs of predicate names and arities, and the entities are predicates.

  • The module signature namespace, where the keys are module signature names and the entities are module signatures.

  • The type signature namespace, where the keys are type signature names and the entities are type signatures.

  • The predicate signature namespace, where the keys are pairs of predicate signature names and arities, and the entities are predicate signatures.

The six namespaces of any module are not completely independent of each other:

  • No keys may be shared between the module namespace and the module signature namespace.

  • No keys may be shared between the type namespace and the type signature namespace.

  • No keys may be shared between the module namespace and the type signature namespace.

  • No keys may be shared between the type namespace and the module signature namespace.

  • No keys may be shared between the predicate namespace and the predicate signature namespace.

  • No keys may be shared between the module signature namespace and the type signature namespace.

There is no relation between names in namespaces of different modules. For example, two different modules can define a predicate getLocation() without confusion. As long as it’s clear which namespace you are in, the QL compiler resolves the name to the correct predicate.

Global namespaces

The namespaces containing all the built-in entities are called global namespaces, and are automatically available in any module. In particular:

  • The global module namespace has a single entry QlBuiltins.

  • The global type namespace has entries for the primitive types int, float, string, boolean, and date, as well as any database types defined in the database schema.

  • The global predicate namespace includes all the built-in predicates, as well as any database predicates.

  • The global signature namespaces are empty.

In practice, this means that you can use the built-in types and predicates directly in a QL module (without importing any libraries). You can also use any database predicates and types directly—these depend on the underlying database that you are querying.

Local namespaces

In addition to the global module, type, and predicate namespaces, each module defines a number of local module, type, and predicate namespaces.

For a module M, it is useful to distinguish between its privately declared, publically declared, exported, and visible namespaces. (These are described generically, but remember that there is always one for each of modules, module signatures, types, type signatures, predicates, and predicate signatures.)

  • The privately declared namespaces of M contain all entities and aliases that are declared—that is, defined—in M and that are annotated as private.

  • The publically declared namespaces of M contain all entities and aliases that are declared—that is, defined—in M and that are not annotated as private.

  • The exported namespaces of M contain
    1. all entries from the publically declared namespaces of M, and

    2. for each module N that is imported into M with an import statement that is not annotated as private: all entries from the exported namespaces of N that do not have the same name as any of the entries in the publically declared namespaces of M, and

    3. for each module signature S that is implemented by M: an entry for each module signature default predicate in S that does not have the same name and arity as any of the entries in the publically declared predicate namespace of M.

  • The visible namespaces of M contain
    1. all entries from the exported namespaces of M, and

    2. all entries from the global namespaces, and

    3. all entries from the privately declared namespace of M, and

    4. for each module N that is imported into M with an import statement that is annotated as private: all entries from the exported namespaces of N that do not have the same name as any of the entries in the publically declared namespaces of M.

    5. if M is nested within a module N: all entries from the visible namespaces of N that do not have the same name as any of the entries in the publically declared namespaces of M, and

    6. all parameters of M.

This is easiest to understand in an example:


import MyFavoriteNumbers

class OneTwoThree extends int {
  OneTwoThree() {
    this = 1 or this = 2 or this = 3

private module P {
  class OneTwo extends OneTwoThree {
    OneTwo() {
      this = 1 or this = 2

The module OneTwoThreeLib publically declares the class OneTwoThree and privately declares the module P.

It exports the class OneTwoThree and anything that is exported by MyFavoriteNumbers (assuming MyFavoriteNumbers does not export a type OneTwoThree, which would not be exported by OneTwoThreeLib).

Within it, the class OneTwoThree and the module P are visible, as well as anything exported by MyFavoriteNumbers` (assuming MyFavoriteNumbers does not export a type OneTwoThree, which would not be visible within OneTwoThreeLib).


Let’s see what the module, type, and predicate namespaces look like in a concrete example:

For example, you could define a library module Villagers containing some of the classes and predicates that were defined in the QL tutorials:


import tutorial

predicate isBald(Person p) {
  not exists(string c | p.getHairColor() = c)

class Child extends Person {
  Child() {
    this.getAge() < 10

module S {
  predicate isSouthern(Person p) {
    p.getLocation() = "south"

  class Southerner extends Person {
    Southerner() {

Module namespace

The module namespace of Villagers has entries for:
  • The module S.

  • Any modules exported by tutorial.

  • The built-in top-level module QlBuiltins.

The module namespace of S also has entries for the module S itself, and for any modules exported by tutorial.

Type namespace

The type namespace of Villagers has entries for:
  • The class Child.

  • The types exported by the module tutorial.

  • The built-in top-level types, namely int, float, string, date, and boolean.

The type namespace of S has entries for:
  • All the above types.

  • The class Southerner.

Predicate namespace

The predicate namespace of Villagers has entries for:
  • The predicate isBald, with arity 1.

  • Any predicates (and their arities) exported by tutorial.

  • The built-in predicates.

The predicate namespace of S has entries for:
  • All the above predicates.

  • The predicate isSouthern, with arity 1.

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