CodeQL documentation

Using the guards library in C and C++

You can use the CodeQL guards library to identify conditional expressions that control the execution of other parts of a program in C and C++ codebases.

About the guards library

The guards library (defined in semmle.code.cpp.controlflow.Guards) provides a class GuardCondition representing Boolean values that are used to make control flow decisions. A GuardCondition is considered to guard a basic block if the block can only be reached if the GuardCondition is evaluated a certain way. For instance, in the following code, x < 10 is a GuardCondition, and it guards all the code before the return statement.

if(x < 10) {
} else if (x < 20) {
} else {
return 0;

The controls predicate

The controls predicate helps determine which blocks are only run when the GuardCondition evaluates a certain way. guard.controls(block, testIsTrue) holds if block is only entered if the value of this condition is testIsTrue.

In the following code sample, the call to isValid controls the calls to performAction and logFailure but not the return statement.

if(isValid(accessToken)) {
  succeeded = 1;
} else {
  succeeded = 0;
return succeeded;

In the following code sample, the call to isValid controls the body of the if statement, and also the code after the if.

if(!isValid(accessToken)) {
  return 0;
return succeeded;

The ensuresEq and ensuresLt predicates

The ensuresEq and ensuresLt predicates are the main way of determining what, if any, guarantees the GuardCondition provides for a given basic block.

The ensuresEq predicate

When ensuresEq(left, right, k, block, true) holds, then block is only executed if left was equal to right + k at their last evaluation. When ensuresEq(left, right, k, block, false) holds, then block is only executed if left was not equal to right + k at their last evaluation.

The ensuresLt predicate

When ensuresLt(left, right, k, block, true) holds, then block is only executed if left was strictly less than right + k at their last evaluation. When ensuresLt(left, right, k, block, false) holds, then block is only executed if left was greater than or equal to right + k at their last evaluation.

In the following code sample, the comparison on the first line ensures that index is less than size in the “then” block, and that index is greater than or equal to size in the “else” block.

if(index < size) {
  ret = array[index];
} else {
  ret = nullptr
return ret;

The comparesEq and comparesLt predicates

The comparesEq and comparesLt predicates help determine if the GuardCondition evaluates to true.

The comparesEq predicate

comparesEq(left, right, k, true, testIsTrue) holds if left equals right + k when the expression evaluates to testIsTrue.

The comparesLt predicate

comparesLt(left, right, k, isLessThan, testIsTrue) holds if left < right + k evaluates to isLessThan when the expression evaluates to testIsTrue.

Further reading

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