CodeQL documentation

Conversions and classes in C and C++

You can use the standard CodeQL libraries for C and C++ to detect when the type of an expression is changed.


In C and C++, conversions change the type of an expression. They may be implicit conversions generated by the compiler, or explicit conversions requested by the user.

Let’s take a look at the Conversion class in the standard library:

  • Expr

    • Conversion

      • Cast

        • CStyleCast

        • StaticCast

        • ConstCastReinterpretCast

        • DynamicCast

      • ArrayToPointerConversion

      • VirtualMemberToFunctionPointerConversion

Exploring the subexpressions of an assignment

Let us consider the following C code:

typedef signed int myInt;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned int i;
    i = (myInt)1;
    return 0;

And this simple query:

import cpp

from AssignExpr a
select a, a.getLValue().getType(), a.getRValue().getType()

The query examines the code for assignments, and tells us the type of their left and right subexpressions. In the example C code above, there is just one assignment. Notably, this assignment has two conversions (of type CStyleCast) on the right side:

  1. Explicit cast of the integer 1 to a myInt.

  2. Implicit conversion generated by the compiler, in preparation for the assignment, converting that expression into an unsigned int.

The query actually reports the result:

... = ... | unsigned int | int

It is as though the conversions are not there! The reason for this is that Conversion expressions do not wrap the objects they convert; instead conversions are attached to expressions and can be accessed using Expr.getConversion(). The whole assignment in our example is seen by the standard library classes like this:

AssignExpr, i = (myInt)1
VariableAccess, i
Literal, 1
CStyleCast, myInt (explicit)
CStyleCast, unsigned int (implicit)

Accessing parts of the assignment:

  • Left side—access value using Assignment.getLValue().

  • Right side—access value using Assignment.getRValue().

  • Conversions of the Literal on the right side—access both using calls to Expr.getConversion(). As a shortcut, you can use Expr.GetFullyConverted() to follow all the way to the resulting type, or Expr.GetExplicitlyConverted() to find the last explicit conversion from an expression.

Using these predicates we can refine our query so that it reports the results that we expected:

import cpp

from AssignExpr a
select a, a.getLValue().getExplicitlyConverted().getType(), a.getRValue().getExplicitlyConverted().getType()

The result is now:

... = ... | unsigned int | myInt

We can refine the query further by adding Type.getUnderlyingType() to resolve the typedef:

import cpp

from AssignExpr a
select a, a.getLValue().getExplicitlyConverted().getType().getUnderlyingType(), a.getRValue().getExplicitlyConverted().getType().getUnderlyingType()

The result is now:

... = ... | unsigned int | signed int

If you simply wanted to get the values of all assignments in expressions, regardless of position, you could replace Assignment.getLValue() and Assignment.getRValue() with Operation.getAnOperand():

import cpp

from AssignExpr a
select a, a.getAnOperand().getExplicitlyConverted().getType()

Unlike the earlier versions of the query, this query would return each side of the expression as a separate result:

... = ... | unsigned int
... = ... | myInt


In general, predicates named getAXxx exploit the ability to return multiple results (multiple instances of Xxx) whereas plain getXxx predicates usually return at most one specific instance of Xxx.


Next we’re going to look at C++ classes, using the following CodeQL classes:

  • Type

    • UserType—includes classes, typedefs, and enums

      • Class—a class or struct

        • Struct—a struct, which is treated as a subtype of Class

        • TemplateClass—a C++ class template

Finding derived classes

We want to create a query that checks for destructors that should be virtual. Specifically, when a class and a class derived from it both have destructors, the base class destructor should generally be virtual. This ensures that the derived class destructor is always invoked. In the CodeQL library, Destructor is a subtype of MemberFunction:

  • Function

    • MemberFunction

      • Constructor

      • Destructor

Our starting point for the query is pairs of a base class and a derived class, connected using Class.getABaseClass():

import cpp

from Class base, Class derived
where derived.getABaseClass+() = base
select base, derived, "The second class is derived from the first."

Note that the transitive closure symbol + indicates that Class.getABaseClass() may be followed one or more times, rather than only accepting a direct base class.

A lot of the results are uninteresting template parameters. You can remove those results by updating the where clause as follows:

where derived.getABaseClass+() = base
  and not exists(base.getATemplateArgument())
  and not exists(derived.getATemplateArgument())

Finding derived classes with destructors

Now we can extend the query to find derived classes with destructors, using the Class.getDestructor() predicate:

import cpp

from Class base, Class derived, Destructor d1, Destructor d2
where derived.getABaseClass+() = base
  and not exists(base.getATemplateArgument())
  and not exists(derived.getATemplateArgument())
  and d1 = base.getDestructor()
  and d2 = derived.getDestructor()
select base, derived, "The second class is derived from the first, and both have a destructor."

Notice that getting the destructor implicitly asserts that one exists. As a result, this version of the query returns fewer results than before.

Finding base classes where the destructor is not virtual

Our last change is to use Function.isVirtual() to find cases where the base destructor is not virtual:

import cpp

from Class base, Destructor d1, Class derived, Destructor d2
where derived.getABaseClass+() = base
  and d1.getDeclaringType() = base
  and d2.getDeclaringType() = derived
  and not d1.isVirtual()
select d1, "This destructor should probably be virtual."

That completes the query.

There is a similar standard query Non-virtual destructor in base class that finds classes in a C/C++ project with virtual functions but no virtual destructor.

Further reading

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