Analyzing data flow in Go¶
You can use CodeQL to track the flow of data through a Go program to its use.
About this article¶
This article describes how data flow analysis is implemented in the CodeQL libraries for Go and includes examples to help you write your own data flow queries. The following sections describe how to use the libraries for local data flow, global data flow, and taint tracking.
For a more general introduction to modeling data flow, see “About data flow analysis.”
The modular API for data flow described here is available from CodeQL 2.13.0. The legacy library is deprecated and will be removed in December 2024. For information about how the library has changed and how to migrate any existing queries to the modular API, see New dataflow API for CodeQL query writing.
Local data flow¶
Local data flow is data flow within a single method or callable. Local data flow is usually easier, faster, and more precise than global data flow, and is sufficient for many queries.
Using local data flow¶
The DataFlow
module defines the class Node
denoting any element that data can flow through.
The Node
class has a number of useful subclasses, such as ExprNode
for expressions, ParameterNode
for parameters, and InstructionNode
for control-flow nodes.
You can map between data flow nodes and expressions/control-flow nodes/parameters using the member predicates asExpr
, asParameter
and asInstruction
class Node {
/** Gets the expression corresponding to this node, if any. */
Expr asExpr() { ... }
/** Gets the parameter corresponding to this node, if any. */
Parameter asParameter() { ... }
/** Gets the IR instruction corresponding to this node, if any. */
IR::Instruction asInstruction() { ... }
or using the predicates exprNode
, parameterNode
and instructionNode
* Gets the `Node` corresponding to `e`.
ExprNode exprNode(Expr e) { ... }
* Gets the `Node` corresponding to the value of `p` at function entry.
ParameterNode parameterNode(Parameter p) { ... }
* Gets the `Node` corresponding to `insn`.
InstructionNode instructionNode(IR::Instruction insn) { ... }
The predicate localFlowStep(Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo)
holds if there is an immediate data flow edge from the node nodeFrom
to the node nodeTo
. You can apply the predicate recursively by using the +
and *
operators, or by using the predefined recursive predicate localFlow
, which is equivalent to localFlowStep*
For example, you can find flow from a parameter source
to an expression sink
in zero or more local steps:
DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::parameterNode(source), DataFlow::exprNode(sink))
Using local taint tracking¶
Local taint tracking extends local data flow by including non-value-preserving flow steps. For example:
y := "Hello " + x;
If x
is a tainted string then y
is also tainted.
The local taint tracking library is in the module TaintTracking
. Like local data flow, a predicate localTaintStep(DataFlow::Node nodeFrom, DataFlow::Node nodeTo)
holds if there is an immediate taint propagation edge from the node nodeFrom
to the node nodeTo
. You can apply the predicate recursively by using the +
and *
operators, or by using the predefined recursive predicate localTaint
, which is equivalent to localTaintStep*
For example, you can find taint propagation from a parameter source
to an expression sink
in zero or more local steps:
TaintTracking::localTaint(DataFlow::parameterNode(source), DataFlow::exprNode(sink))
This query finds the filename passed to os.Open(..)
import go
from Function osOpen, CallExpr call
osOpen.hasQualifiedName("os", "Open") and
call.getTarget() = osOpen
select call.getArgument(0)
Unfortunately, this only gives the expression in the argument, not the values which could be passed to it. So we use local data flow to find all expressions that flow into the argument:
import go
from Function osOpen, CallExpr call, Expr src
osOpen.hasQualifiedName("os", "Open") and
call.getTarget() = osOpen and
DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::exprNode(src), DataFlow::exprNode(call.getArgument(0)))
select src
To restrict sources to only parameters, rather than arbitrary expressions, we can modify this query as follows:
import go
from Function osOpen, CallExpr call, Parameter p
osOpen.hasQualifiedName("os", "Open") and
call.getTarget() = osOpen and
DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::parameterNode(p), DataFlow::exprNode(call.getArgument(0)))
select p
The following query finds calls to formatting functions where the format string is not hard-coded. Note that StringOps::Formatting::Range is a class that represents all functions which have a format string, and its member predicate getFormatStringIndex gives the index of the argument which is the format string.
import go
from StringOps::Formatting::Range format, CallExpr call, Expr formatString
call.getTarget() = format and
formatString = call.getArgument(format.getFormatStringIndex()) and
not exists(DataFlow::Node source, DataFlow::Node sink |
DataFlow::localFlow(source, sink) and
source.asExpr() instanceof StringLit and
sink.asExpr() = formatString
select call, "Argument to String format method isn't hard-coded."
Exercise 1: Write a query that finds all hard-coded strings used to create a url.URL
, using local data flow. (Answer)
Global data flow¶
Global data flow tracks data flow throughout the entire program, and is therefore more powerful than local data flow. However, global data flow is less precise than local data flow, and the analysis typically requires significantly more time and memory to perform.
You can model data flow paths in CodeQL by creating path queries. To view data flow paths generated by a path query in CodeQL for VS Code, you need to make sure that it has the correct metadata and
clause. For more information, see Creating path queries.
Using global data flow¶
We can use the global data flow library by implementing the signature DataFlow::ConfigSig
and applying the module DataFlow::Global<ConfigSig>
import go
module MyFlowConfiguration implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
module MyFlow = DataFlow::Global<MyFlowConfiguration>;
These predicates are defined in the configuration:
- defines where data may flow from.isSink
- defines where data may flow to.isBarrier
- optional, defines where data flow is blocked.isAdditionalFlowStep
- optional, adds additional flow steps.
The data flow analysis is performed using the predicate flow(DataFlow::Node source, DataFlow::Node sink)
from DataFlow::Node source, DataFlow::Node sink
where MyFlow::flow(source, sink)
select source, "Data flow to $@.", sink, sink.toString()
Using global taint tracking¶
Global taint tracking is to global data flow what local taint tracking is to local data flow. That is, global taint tracking extends global data flow with additional non-value-preserving steps. The global taint tracking library is used by applying the module TaintTracking::Global<ConfigSig>
to your configuration instead of DataFlow::Global<ConfigSig>
import go
module MyFlowConfiguration implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
module MyFlow = TaintTracking::Global<MyFlowConfiguration>;
The resulting module has an identical signature to the one obtained from DataFlow::Global<ConfigSig>
Flow sources¶
The data flow library contains some predefined flow sources. The class RemoteFlowSource
(defined in
) represents data flow sources that may be controlled by a remote user, which is useful for finding security problems.
This query shows a taint-tracking configuration that uses remote user input as data sources.
import go
module MyFlowConfiguration implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
source instanceof RemoteFlowSource
module MyTaintFlow = TaintTracking::Global<MyFlowConfiguration>;
Exercise 2: Write a query that finds all hard-coded strings used to create a url.URL
, using global data flow. (Answer)
Exercise 3: Write a class that represents flow sources from os.Getenv(..)
. (Answer)
Exercise 4: Using the answers from 2 and 3, write a query which finds all global data flow paths from os.Getenv
to url.URL
. (Answer)
Exercise 1¶
import go
from Function urlParse, Expr arg, StringLit rawURL, CallExpr call
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "Parse") or
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "ParseRequestURI")
) and
call.getTarget() = urlParse and
arg = call.getArgument(0) and
DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::exprNode(rawURL), DataFlow::exprNode(arg))
select call.getArgument(0)
Exercise 2¶
import go
module LiteralToURLConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
source.asExpr() instanceof StringLit
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(Function urlParse, CallExpr call |
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "Parse") or
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "ParseRequestURI")
) and
call.getTarget() = urlParse and
sink.asExpr() = call.getArgument(0)
module LiteralToURLFlow = DataFlow::Global<LiteralToURLConfig>;
from DataFlow::Node src, DataFlow::Node sink
where LiteralToURLFlow::flow(src, sink)
select src, "This string constructs a URL $@.", sink, "here"
Exercise 3¶
import go
class GetenvSource extends CallExpr {
GetenvSource() {
exists(Function m | m = this.getTarget() |
m.hasQualifiedName("os", "Getenv")
Exercise 4¶
import go
class GetenvSource extends CallExpr {
GetenvSource() {
exists(Function m | m = this.getTarget() |
m.hasQualifiedName("os", "Getenv")
module GetenvToURLConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {
predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
source instanceof GetenvSource
predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(Function urlParse, CallExpr call |
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "Parse") or
urlParse.hasQualifiedName("url", "ParseRequestURI")
) and
call.getTarget() = urlParse and
sink.asExpr() = call.getArgument(0)
module GetenvToURLFlow = DataFlow::Global<GetenvToURLConfig>;
from DataFlow::Node src, DataFlow::Node sink
where GetenvToURLFlow::flow(src, sink)
select src, "This environment variable constructs a URL $@.", sink, "here"
Further reading¶
Exploring data flow with path queries in the GitHub documentation.