Class Regex
A string literal used as a regular expression
Import path
Direct supertypes
getAMode | Gets a mode (if any) of this regular expression. Can be any of: - IGNORECASE - UNIXLINES - MULTILINE - DOTALL - UNICODE - VERBOSE - UNICODECLASS |
matchesFullString | Holds if this regex is used to match against a full string, as though it was implicitly surrounded by ^ and $. |
Inherited predicates
alternation | Holds if the text in the range start,end is an alternation | from RegexString |
alternationOption | Holds if the text in the range start,end is an alternation and the text in part_start, part_end is one of the options in that alternation. | from RegexString |
backreference | Holds if the text in the range start,end is a back reference | from RegexString |
charRange | Holds if the character set starting at | from RegexString |
charSet | Holds if there is a top-level character class beginning at | from RegexString |
charSetChild | Holds if the character set starting at | from RegexString |
charSetEnd | Holds if a top-level character set ends at | from RegexString |
charSetStart | Hold if a top-level character set starts between | from RegexString |
controlEscape | Holds if there is a control sequence, | from RegexString |
emptyGroup | Holds if an empty group is found between | from RegexString |
escapedCharacter | Holds if an escaped character is found between | from RegexString |
escapingChar | Holds if the character at | from RegexString |
failedToParse | Holds if the regex failed to parse. | from RegexString |
getAChildExpr | Gets a child of this expression. | from Expr |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. | from StringLiteral |
getAnEnclosingStmt | Gets a statement that directly or transitively contains this expression, if any. This is equivalent to | from Expr |
getBackrefName | Gets the name, if it has one, of the back reference in start,end | from RegexString |
getBackrefNumber | Gets the number of the back reference in start,end | from RegexString |
getBasicBlock | Gets the basic block in which this expression occurs, if any. | from Expr |
getChar | Gets the | from RegexString |
getCompilationUnit | Gets the compilation unit in which this expression occurs. | from Expr |
getControlFlowNode | Gets the | from Expr |
getEnclosingCallable | Gets the callable in which this expression occurs, if any. | from Expr |
getEnclosingStmt | Gets the statement containing this expression, if any. | from Expr |
getFile | Gets the file associated with this element. | from Top |
getGroupName | Gets the name, if it has one, of the group in start,end | from RegexString |
getGroupNumber | Gets the number of the group in start,end | from RegexString |
getHalsteadID | This statement’s Halstead ID (used to compute Halstead metrics). | from Expr |
getIndex | Gets the index of this expression as a child of its parent. | from Expr |
getKind | Gets the kind of this expression. | from Expr |
getKotlinType | Gets the Kotlin type of this expression. | from Expr |
getLiteral | Gets a string representation of this literal as it appeared in the source code. | from Literal |
getLocation | Gets the source location for this element. | from Top |
getModeFromPrefix | Gets the mode of this regular expression string if it is defined by a prefix. | from RegexString |
getNumberOfCommentLines | Gets the number of comment lines that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines of code that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getParent | Gets the parent of this expression. | from Expr |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Top |
getSourceChar | Gets the | from RegexString |
getText | Gets the text of this regex | from RegexString |
getTotalNumberOfLines | Gets the total number of lines that this element ranges over, including lines of code, comment and whitespace-only lines. | from Top |
getType | Gets the type of this expression. | from Expr |
getUnderlyingExpr | Gets the underlying expression looking through casts and not-nulls, if any. Otherwise just gets this expression. | from Expr |
getValue | Gets the string represented by this string literal, that is, the content of the literal without enclosing quotes and with escape sequences translated. | from StringLiteral |
group | Holds if the text in the range start,end is a group | from RegexString |
groupContents | Holds if the text in the range start,end is a group with contents in the range in_start,in_end | from RegexString |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Top |
inCharSet | Holds if | from RegexString |
isCompileTimeConstant | Holds if this literal is a compile-time constant expression (as per JLS v8, section 15.28). | from Literal |
isInStaticContext | Holds if this expression occurs in a static context. | from Expr |
isNthChildOf | Holds if this expression is the child of the specified parent at the specified (zero-based) position. | from Expr |
isParenthesized | Holds if this expression is parenthesized. | from Expr |
isTextBlock | Holds if this string literal is a text block ( | from StringLiteral |
item | Holds if the range | from RegexString |
multiples | Holds if a repetition quantifier is found between | from RegexString |
negativeLookaheadAssertionGroup | Holds if a negative lookahead is found between | from RegexString |
negativeLookbehindAssertionGroup | Holds if a negative lookbehind is found between | from RegexString |
normalCharacter | Holds if a normal character or escape sequence is between | from RegexString |
positiveLookaheadAssertionGroup | Holds if a positive lookahead is found between | from RegexString |
positiveLookbehindAssertionGroup | Holds if a positive lookbehind is found between | from RegexString |
quantifiedItem | Holds if the text in the range start,end is a quantified item, where item is a character, a character set or a group. | from RegexString |
quantifiedPart | Holds if a quantified part is found between | from RegexString |
quote | Holds if a quoted sequence is found between | from RegexString |
quote | Holds if a quoted sequence is found between | from RegexString |
sequence | Holds if the text in the range start,end is a sequence of 1 or more items, where an item is a character, a character set or a group. | from RegexString |
sourceCharacter | Holds if the | from RegexString |
specialCharacter | Holds if a special character | from RegexString |
toString | Gets a printable representation of this expression. | from Literal |
zeroWidthMatch | Holds if the text in the range start, end is a group and can match the empty string. | from RegexString |