CodeQL documentation

Template syntax in string literal

ID: js/template-syntax-in-string-literal
Kind: problem
Security severity: 
Severity: warning
Precision: high
   - correctness
Query suites:
   - javascript-security-and-quality.qls

Click to see the query in the CodeQL repository

Template literals are strings enclosed with backticks (``). These may contain placeholder expressions with the syntax ${*..*}, which are evaluated at runtime and inserted as part of the string.

Ordinary string literals may be enclosed by single ('') or double quotes (""), and the placeholder syntax ${*..*} has no special meaning in these.

In files that make use of template literals, it is hard to distinguish actual template literals from ordinary strings that happen to contain placeholder syntax. This is often the result of mistyping the quotes on a template literal.


Consider if this was intended to be a template literal, and if so, change the quotes to backticks (``). Alternatively:

  • Rename some local variables so that the placeholders do not give the impression of referencing those.

  • Avoid mixing JavaScript template literals with other template systems in the same file.


In the following example, the call to log.error will log the string “${id}”, rather than the contents of the id variable.`Connecting to ${id}`)
let connection = openConnection(id)
if (!connection) {
  log.error('Could not connect to ${id}')

To correct the error message, change the quotes to backticks:`Connecting to ${id}`)
let connection = openConnection(id)
if (!connection) {
  log.error(`Could not connect to ${id}`)


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