CodeQL documentation

CodeQL library for Ruby

When you’re analyzing a Ruby program, you can make use of the large collection of classes in the CodeQL library for Ruby.


CodeQL ships with an extensive library for analyzing Ruby code. The classes in this library present the data from a CodeQL database in an object-oriented form and provide abstractions and predicates to help you with common analysis tasks.

The library is implemented as a set of CodeQL modules, that is, files with the extension .qll. The module ruby.qll imports most other standard library modules, so you can include the complete library by beginning your query with:

import codeql.ruby.AST

The CodeQL libraries model various aspects of Ruby code, depending on the type of query you want to write. For example the abstract syntax tree (AST) library is used for locating program elements, to match syntactic elements in the source code. This can be used to find values, patterns and structures.

The control flow graph (CFG) is imported using

import codeql.ruby.CFG

The CFG models the control flow between statements and expressions, for example whether one expression can flow to another expression, or whether an expression “dominates” another one, meaning that all paths to an expression must flow through another expression first.

The data flow library is imported using

import codeql.ruby.DataFlow

Data flow tracks the flow of data through the program, including through function calls (interprocedural data flow). Data flow is particularly useful for security queries, where untrusted data flows to vulnerable parts of the program to exploit it. Related to data flow, is the taint-tracking library, which finds how data can influence other values in a program, even when it is not copied exactly.

The API graphs library is used to locate methods in libraries. This is particuarly useful when locating particular functions or parameters that could be used as a source or sink of data in a security query.

To summarize, the main Ruby modules are:

Main Ruby modules
Import Description
ruby The standard Ruby library
codeql.ruby.AST The abstract syntax tree library (also imported by ruby.qll)
codeql.ruby.ApiGraphs The API graphs library
codeql.ruby.CFG The control flow graph library
codeql.ruby.DataFlow The data flow library
codeql.ruby.TaintTracking The taint tracking library

The CodeQL examples in this article are only excerpts and are not meant to represent complete queries.

Abstract syntax

The abstract syntax tree (AST) represents the elements of the source code organized into a tree. The AST viewer in Visual Studio Code shows the AST nodes, including the relevant CodeQL classes and predicates.

All CodeQL AST classes inherit from the AstNode class, which provides the following member predicates to all AST classes:

Main predicates in AstNode
Predicate Description
getEnclosingModule() Gets the enclosing module, if any.
getEnclosingMethod() Gets the enclosing method, if any.
getLocation() Gets the location of this node.
getAChild() Gets a child node of this node.
getParent() Gets the parent of this AstNode, if this node is not a root node.
getDesugared Gets the desugared version of this AST node, if any.
isSynthesized() Holds if this node was synthesized to represent an implicit AST node not present in the source code.


Modules represent the main structural elements of Ruby programs, and include modules (Module), namespaces (Namespace) and classes (ClassDeclaration).

Callable classes
CodeQL class Description and selected predicates

A representation of a runtime module or class value.

  • getADeclaration() - Gets a declaration
  • getSuperClass() - Gets the super class of this module, if any.
  • getAPrependedModule() - Gets a prepended module.
  • getAnIncludedModule() - Gets an included module.

A class or module definition.

  • getName() - Gets the name of the module/class.
  • getAMethod(), getMethod(name) - Gets a method in this namespace.
  • getAClass(), getClass(name) - Gets a class in this namespace.
  • getAModule(), getModule(name) - Gets a module in this namespace.
ClassDeclaration A class definition.
SingletonClass A definition of a singleton class on an object.
ModuleDeclaration A module definition.
Toplevel The node representing the entire Ruby source file.

The following example lists all methods in the class ApiController:

import codeql.ruby.AST

from ClassDeclaration m
where m.getName() = "ApiController"
select m, m.getAMethod()


Callables are elements that can be called, including methods and blocks.

Callable classes
CodeQL class Description and main predicates

A callable.

  • getAParameter() - gets a parameter of this callable.
  • getParameter(n) - gets the nth parameter of this callable.
Private A call to private.

A method.

  • getName() - gets the name of this method
SingletonMethod A singleton method.
Lambda A lambda (anonymous method).
Block A block.
DoBlock A block enclosed within do and end.
BraceBlock A block defined using curly braces.

Parameters are the values that are passed into callables. Unlike other CodeQL language models, parameters in Ruby are not variables themselves, but can introduce variables into the callable. The variables of a parameter are given by the getAVariable() predicate.

Parameter classes
CodeQL class Description and main predicates

A parameter.

  • getCallable() - Gets the callable that this parameter belongs to.
  • getPosition() - Gets the zero-based position of this parameter.
  • getAVariable(), getVariable(name) - Gets a variable introduced by this parameter.
PatternParameter A parameter defined using a pattern.
TuplePatternParameter A parameter defined using a tuple pattern.

A named parameter.

  • getName(), hasName(name) - Gets the name of this parameter.
  • getAnAccess() - Gets an access to this parameter.
  • getDefiningAccess() - Gets the access that defines the underlying local variable.
SimpleParameter A simple (normal) parameter.
BlockParameter A parameter that is a block.
HashSplatParameter A hash-splat (or double-splat) parameter.

A keyword parameter, including a default value if the parameter is optional.

  • getDefaultValue() - Gets the default value, i.e. the value assigned to the parameter when one is not provided by the caller.

An optional parameter.

  • getDefaultValue() - Gets the default value, i.e. the value assigned to the parameter when one is not provided by the caller.
SplatParameter A splat parameter.


import codeql.ruby.AST

from Method m
where m.getName() = "show"
select m.getParameter(0)


Statements are the elements of code blocks. Statements that produce a value are called expressions and have CodeQL class Expr. The remaining statement types (that do not produce values) are listed below.

Statement classes
CodeQL class Description and main predicates

The base class for all statements.

  • getAControlFlowNode() - Gets a control-flow node for this statement, if any.
  • getEnclosingCallable() - Gets the enclosing callable, if any.
EmptyStmt An empty statement.
BeginExpr A begin statement.
BeginBlock A BEGIN block.
EndBlock An END block.
UndefStmt An undef statement.
AliasStmt An alias statement.
ReturningStmt A statement that may return a value: return, break and next.
ReturnStmt A return statement.
BreakStmt A break statement.
NextStmt A next statement.
RedoStmt A redo statement.
RetryStmt A retry statement.

The following example finds all literals that are returned by a return statement.

import codeql.ruby.AST

from ReturnStmt return, Literal lit
where lit.getParent() = return
select lit, "Returning a literal " + lit.getValueText()


Expressions are types of statement that evaluate to a value. The CodeQL class Expr is the base class of all expression types.

CodeQL class Description and main predicates

An expression.

This is the root class for all expressions.

  • getValueText() - Gets the textual (constant) value of this expression, if any.
Self A reference to the current object.
Pair A pair expression.
RescueClause A rescue clause.
RescueModifierExpr An expression with a rescue modifier.

A concatenation of string literals.

  • getConcatenatedValueText() - Gets the result of concatenating all the string literals, if and only if they do not contain any interpolations.
Statement sequences
CodeQL class Description

A sequence of expressions.

  • getAStmt(), getStmt(n) - Gets a statement in this sequence.
  • isEmpty() - Holds if this sequence has no statements.
  • getNumberOfStatements() - Gets the number of statements in this sequence.

A sequence of statements representing the body of a method, class, module, or do-block.

  • getARescue(), getRescue(n) - Gets a rescue clause in this block.
  • getElse() - Gets the else clause in this block, if any.
  • getEnsure() - Gets the ensure clause in this block, if any.
ParenthesizedExpr A parenthesized expression sequence, typically containing a single expression.

Literals are expressions that evaluate directly to the given value. The CodeQL Ruby library models all types of Ruby literal.

CodeQL class Description

A literal. This is the base class for all literals.

  • getValueText() - Gets the source text for this literal, if this is a simple literal.
NumericLiteral A numerical literal. The literal types are IntegerLiteral, FloatLiteral, RationalLiteral, and ComplexLiteral.
NilLiteral A nil literal.
BooleanLiteral A Boolean value. The classes TrueLiteral and FalseLiteral match true and false respectively.
StringComponent A component of a string. Either a StringTextComponent, StringEscapeSequenceComponent, or StringInterpolationComponent.
RegExpLiteral A regular expression literal.
SymbolLiteral A symbol literal.
SubshellLiteral A subshell literal.
CharacterLiteral A character literal.
ArrayLiteral An array literal.
HashLiteral A hash literal.
RangeLiteral A range literal.
MethodName A method name literal.

The following example defines a string literal class containing the text “username”:

class UsernameLiteral extends Literal
  UsernameLiteral() { this.getValueText().toLowerCase().matches("%username%") }

Operations are types of expression that typically perform some sort of calculation. Most operations are MethodCalls because often there is an underlying call to the operation.

CodeQL class Description
Operation An operation.

A unary operation.

Types of unary operation include UnaryLogicalOperation, NotExpr, UnaryPlusExpr, UnaryMinusExpr, SplatExpr, HashSplatExpr, UnaryBitwiseOperation, and ComplementExpr.

DefinedExpr A call to the special defined? operator
BinaryOperation A binary operation, that includes many other operation categories such as BinaryArithmeticOperation, BinaryBitwiseOperation, ComparisonOperation, SpaceshipExpr, and Assignment.
BinaryArithmeticOperation A binary arithmetic operation. Includes: AddExpr, SubExpr, MulExpr, DivExpr, ModuloExpr, and ExponentExpr.
BinaryLogicalOperation A binary logical operation. Includes: LogicalAndExpr and LogicalOrExpr.
BinaryBitwiseOperation A binary bitwise operation. Includes: LShiftExpr, RShiftExpr, BitwiseAndExpr, BitwiseOrExpr, and BitwiseXorExpr.
ComparisonOperation A comparison operation, including the classes EqualityOperation, EqExpr, NEExpr, CaseEqExpr, RelationalOperation, GTExpr, GEExpr, LTExpr, and LEExpr.
RegExpMatchExpr A regexp match expression.
NoRegExpMatchExpr A regexp-doesn’t-match expression.

An assignment. Assignments are simple assignments (AssignExpr), or assignment operations (AssignOperation).

The assignment arithmetic operations (AssignArithmeticOperation) are AssignAddExpr, AssignSubExpr, AssignMulExpr, AssignDivExpr, AssignModuloExpr, and AssignExponentExpr.

The assignment logical operations (AssignLogicalOperation) are AssignLogicalAndExpr and AssignLogicalOrExpr.

The assignment bitwise operations (AssignBitwiseOperation) are AssignLShiftExpr, AssignRShiftExpr, AssignBitwiseAndExpr, AssignBitwiseOrExpr, and AssignBitwiseXorExpr.

The following example finds “chained assignments” (of the form A=B=C):

import codeql.ruby.AST

from Assignment op
where op.getRightOperand() instanceof Assignment
select op, "This is a chained assignment."

Calls pass control to another function, include explicit method calls (MethodCall), but also include other types of call such as super calls or yield calls.

CodeQL class Description and main predicates

A call.

  • getArgument(n), getAnArgument(), getKeywordArgument(keyword) - Gets an argument of this call.
  • getATarget() - Gets a potential target of this call, if any.

A method call.

  • getReceiver() - Gets the receiver of this call, if any. This is the object being invoked.
  • getMethodName() - Gets the name of the method being called.
  • getBlock() - Gets the block of this method call, if any.
SetterMethodCall A call to a setter method.
ElementReference An element reference; a call to the [] method.
YieldCall A call to yield.
SuperCall A call to super.
BlockArgument A block argument in a method call.

The following example finds all method calls to a method called delete.

import codeql.ruby.AST

from MethodCall call
where call.getMethodName() = "delete"
select call, "Call to 'delete'."

Control expressions are expressions used for control flow. They are classed as expressions because they can produce a value.

Control expressions
CodeQL class Description and main predicates
ControlExpr A control expression, such as a case, if, unless, ternary-if (?:), while, until (including expression-modifier variants), and for.

A conditional expression.

  • getCondition() - Gets the condition expression.

An if or elsif expression.

  • getThen() - Gets the then branch.
  • getElse() - Gets the elseif or else branch.
UnlessExpr An unless expression.
IfModifierExpr An expression modified using if.
UnlessModifierExpr An expression modified using unless.
TernaryIfExpr A conditional expression using the ternary (?:) operator.
CaseExpr A case expression.
WhenExpr A when branch of a case expression.
Loop A loop. That is, a for loop, a while or until loop, or their expression-modifier variants.

A loop using a condition expression. That is, a while or until loop, or their expression-modifier variants.

  • getCondition() - Gets the condition expression of this loop.
WhileExpr A while loop.
UntilExpr An until loop.
WhileModifierExpr An expression looped using the while modifier.
UntilModifierExpr An expression looped using the until modifier.
ForExpr A for loop.

The following example finds if-expressions that are missing a then branch.

import codeql.ruby.AST

from IfExpr expr
where not exists(expr.getThen())
select expr, "This if-expression is redundant."


Variables are names that hold values in a Ruby program. If you want to query any type of variable, then use the Variable class, otherwise use one of the subclasses LocalVariable, InstanceVariable, ClassVariable or GlobalVariable.

Local variables have the scope of a single function or block, instance variables have the scope of an object (like member variables), class variables have the scope of a class and are shared between all instances of that class (like static variables), and global variables have the scope of the entire program.

Variable classes
CodeQL class Description and main predicates

A variable declared in a scope.

  • getName(), hasName(name) - Gets the name of this variable.
  • getDeclaringScope() - Gets the scope this variable is declared in.
  • getAnAccess() - Gets an access to this variable.
LocalVariable A local variable.
InstanceVariable An instance variable.
ClassVariable A class variable.
GlobalVariable A global variable.

The following example finds all class variables in the class StaticController:

import codeql.ruby.AST

from ClassDeclaration cd, ClassVariable v
  v.getDeclaringScope() = cd and
  cd.getName() = "StaticController"
select v, "This is a static variable in 'StaticController'."

Variable accesses are the uses of a variable in the source code. Note that variables, and uses of variables are different concepts. Variables are modelled using the Variable class, whereas uses of the variable are modelled using the VariableAccess class. Variable.getAnAccess() gets the accesses of a variable.

Variable accesses come in two types: reads of the variable (a ReadAccess), and writes to the variable (a WriteAccess). Accesses are a type of expression, so extend the Expr class.

Variable access classes
CodeQL class Description and main predicates

An access to a variable.

  • getVariable() - Gets the variable that is accessed.
VariableReadAccess An access to a variable where the value is read.
VariableWriteAccess An access to a variable where the value is updated.
LocalVariableAccess An access to a local variable.
LocalVariableWriteAccess An access to a local variable where the value is updated.
LocalVariableReadAccess An access to a local variable where the value is read.
GlobalVariableAccess An access to a global variable where the value is updated.
InstanceVariableAccess An access to a global variable where the value is read.
InstanceVariableReadAccess An access to an instance variable.
InstanceVariableWriteAccess An access to an instance variable where the value is updated.
ClassVariableAccess An access to a class variable.
ClassVariableWriteAccess An access to a class variable where the value is updated.
ClassVariableReadAccess An access to a class variable where the value is read.

The following example finds writes to class variables in the class StaticController:

import codeql.ruby.AST

from ClassVariableWriteAccess write, ClassDeclaration cd, ClassVariable v
  v.getDeclaringScope() = cd and
  cd.getName() = "StaticController" and
  write.getVariable() = v
select write, "'StaticController' class variable is written here."
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